Thursday, February 13, 2025

BY CASSIE THIESSEN, HORTICULTURE AGENT Post Rock Extension District The Holiday Season is not complete without a Christmas tree. Nothing beats the look, feel, and smell of bringing a real Christmas …

Dear Editor, Midwest-Plains was one of 10 energy transmission corridors (also referred to as NIETCs) designated by the Department of Energy on May 8, 2024. Subsequently, the Farm Bureaus of Kansas, …

BY BLAIRE TODD, LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION AGENT K-State Research and Extension-Post Rock District The third trimester of pregnancy is a crucial period because of the rapid growth the fetus undergoes and …

With the cooler temperatures and longer nights, our gardens have come to an end. That means it is time to round up our gardening tools and tuck them safely away for next year. It is important to take …

Bingo in the Afternoon BELOIT – The Beloit Senior Center, 220 N. Hersey, Beloit, will host Bingo in the Afternoon, from 2-4 p.m., on Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024. Seating is limited. Cost is free …

Dear Editor, On May 8. 2024, the Department of Energy announced a list of ten potential National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors, or NIETCs. These corridors were designated by the DOE to …

Five guests were scheduled to appear before the commissioners to conduct business, during the Monday, Nov. 4, 2024, Mitchell County Commissioners meeting. However, three of the five guests requested …

LIBERAL – Seward County Community College (SCCC), Director of Respiratory Therapy, Janae Zachary, practiced the medical art for six months at KU Med Center in Kansas City, after graduating from …

You have less than one month to get your Operation Christmas Child Shoebox packed before National Collection Week, Nov. 18-24. More than 4,000 locations will open to collect Operation Christmas Child …

Dear Editor and most importantly, USD 273 I am writing this, not to tell you how to vote and why, but to say THANK YOU to a great school district. We moved here, 45 years ago. We had one child on the …

Dear Editor, As the USD 273 bond election approaches, I urge the community to take a hard look at the spending habits of our school board and vote “No.” A bond is an imperfect tool that …

Dear Editor, I am a mother to three daughters, two of which are currently enrolled at Beloit Elementary School, and one who attends the Mitchell County Early Learning Center. I am also a transplant …

Dear Editor, As a school board member, I wish to address some concerns about USD 273's upcoming bond election. Bonds are one of the few ways public schools can secure funds to pay for projects …

Dear Editor, I was a little surprised as I read the Beloit Call last week. In the letter to the editor, there was mention of the mural at the elementary. I am the painting contractor that completed …

Dear Editor, Having attended meetings promoting the bond issue of last spring, I currently have several concerns about the upcoming bond issue on the November ballot. First is the question of whether …

Dear Editor, CAWKER CITY – I am an outdoor enthusiast that uses many Kansas outdoor resources. I have a home in Cawker City, KS and hunt and fish mostly at Glen Elder Wildlife Area and …

BY SANDRA L. WICK, CROP PRODUCTION AGENT K-State Research and Extension-Post Rock District It certainly seems that “Mother Nature” has shut the moisture off for north central Kansas! Even …

The Supreme Court predicted it in 2005; 43 states did something about it; Kansas did not! Dear Editor, Grain Belt Express (GBE or GBX) is a controversial project that proposes to transmit electricity …

Dear Editor, The following statement may be attributed to Kansas Farm Bureau President Joe Newland: Kansas Farm Bureau has been engaged on National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor (NIETC) …

Dear Editor, Grain Belt Express, a controversial project to transmit Kansas wind power to states in the Midwest, the Great Lakes, and the Northeastern United States, has been touted as a major …

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