As someone who grew up in the 90s, I often think back to how simple things were when I was a kid. We did not face many of the modern challenges that are unique to today’s youth, one of the most …
Transformative Power of Music in Revitalizing Small Communities It has often been said that music can heal the soul. That being the case, one must wonder, might music also be able to heal the soul of …
Crop Production Agent Post Rock Extension District #1 K-State Research and Extension Have you noticed some yellow, streaked wheat in your fields? Well, the culprit just might be the Wheat Streak …
The role of trades in combating small local community migration In recent years, small communities have been grappling with the challenge of an outflow of their younger generations seeking …
(the public is welcome) • Saturday, April 27: KSHSAA State Solo and Ensemble at Southeast of Saline • Wednesday, May 1: Junior High Music Festival, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM at BHS. • Monday, …
WOW……the wheat around north central Kansas is definitely 100% better than the last couple of years. Some places have been fortunate to receive the needed moisture at the right time, …
KANSAS – The U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) unveiled a new, online Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) Decision Tool and farm loan resources available to agricultural producers and …
The commissioners approved Proclamation 24-14 which addressed the expenses of the Presidential Preference Primary election, during the Monday, April 8 meeting. The cost of the election was …
When I titled this column, “Building Main Street, not Wall Street,” I did so for many reasons, not the least of which was the stranglehold that Wall Street banks have on communities …
Dear Editor, April reminds us of our shared responsibility for the well-being and healthy development of children and families, which is crucial for the future health of Kansas. National Child Abuse …
Arts & Culture Drive Financial Rejuvenation When communities look to revitalize, they often tend to overlook one of the most effective and efficient tools in their revitalization or rejuvenation …
Social Security is a social insurance plan for retirement. Workers and their employers contribute to Social Security when they work. Then, at retirement, workers who have met eligibility requirements …
Dear Editor, This USD 273 bond issue seems to have some “issues.” There seems to be a lot of obfuscation coming from the USD 273 Board of Education (BOE). Our school district is ranked …
Breeding season is still a ways off but those that use artificial insemination may be busy delivering or picking up semen stored in a liquid nitrogen tank. Unfortunately, many of the people involved …
Moving our Concordia Blade-Empire and the Beloit Call from three days a week to one day a week is something that is necessary to provide more local news from our communities. The newspapers have been …
Dear editor, The school bond issue has been a topic of conversation for the past several weeks. This issue has reminded me of a similar issue in Saline and Ottawa counties over the past quarter of a …
In our community, the fiscal practices of USD 273 have become a microcosm of a larger issue that permeates our city and county governance. Over the years, there's been a noticeable trend where …
Dear Editor, A solid school system is one of the bedrocks of a community, especially that of a rural community such as ours. I think we can all agree we need to ensure that our students have a safe …
: I'm newly married and now live in close proximity to my in-laws. We get together frequently. I get along great with my motherin- law. The problem I have is with my father-in-law. It's his …
Dear Annie: My husband's family have always been big drinkers, whereas mine are not. We have very different perspectives on the subject of alcohol. I can live with an 'agree to disagree …