Thursday, February 13, 2025

Dear Annie: I'm a divorced man in his mid-60s with no children, and I have a job that I'm very secure in. I recently began dating a woman who I met at a work seminar. Our first few dates …

Dear Annie: On Dec. 19 of 2022, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Ahead of time, my husband and I talked with both sets of our parents and we all agreed that we would not be exchanging Christmas …

Dear Annie: I was, not for the first time, physically assaulted by my sister on Christmas a couple of years ago. It has been an ongoing pattern since we were young, and these days it is triggered by …

Dear Annie: I've been married to my husband for 16 years. He and his ex-wife did not end on good terms. We have never been invited to any holiday gatherings from his grown kids, who are married …

There is still time to register for one of the four regional K-State Research and Extension Soil Fertility Schools during the month of January 2024. These schools have been designed to help producers …

Dear Readers: Please enjoy this excerpt of Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'I Have a Dream' speech. So even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a …

Dear Annie: The cost to This letter is a message to 'Fed Up,' the reader whose husband dotes on their daughters. She needs to know that her husband, as well-meaning as he is, is NOT doing …

Hopefully, 2024 has brought you many blessings and you are reflecting on the past year! At least we have moisture and expecting more with the weather forecast. It seems like we all start “ …

Dear Annie: I'm a 39year-old mom of four. My husband recently passed away, in April of this year. His family was never very kind to me when he was alive, and they haven't changed now that …

Dear Annie: My wife is an alcoholic. I wrote the letter below to myself really. I was wondering if you would publish it, in hopes that it might help someone who is afflicted with alcoholism, or …

If your body was a computer, would it be receiving lots of error messages? Is it beginning to run slower and take longer to start? Here’ s a checklist to help optimize your performance and …

Dear Annie: My husband and I are in our mid-60s and have been married for 45 years. We had our children early in our marriage and made many sacrifices to make sure our daughter and son had all the …

A lot of conjecture back and forth is a back and forth statement by Pope Francis stating his feelings versus Roman Catholicism (a religion) and Freemasonry (a fraternal order). Comparing the two is …

Dear Annie: My 16year-old daughter is relentless in begging me to have a sleepover with her boyfriend. She insists they are not sexually active and that she simply wants to hang out with him, watch …

Dear Annie: I am the middle child of a family that once was very close. We are all grown up now, and our parents have passed away. There were two girls and three boys in the family, and our ages …

Dear Annie: I met my husband eight years ago. When I agreed to marry him, I had a great relationship with his two kids from his previous marriage. At the time we got married, they were 7 and 4 years …

Dear Annie: I truly enjoy reading your column. At times, they are funny and really do make me laugh, and nearly always I can relate to certain situations that people write to you about. I am 28 years …

Dear Annie: My significant other and I have been together for nearly 14 years. His mother is a huge issue in our relationship, and this past Thanksgiving was the worst. He has been divorced from his …

Dear Annie: I'm frustrated with my sister-inlaw and the way that she plans the holidays that she hosts or organizes. Generally, what happens is that she will reach out to the family to see what …

Dear Annie: I'm 48 years old. I've been a single mom since I had my first kid -- in other words, since forever. I've never really had healthy relationships with men. I'm way too …

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