Sunday, February 9, 2025

Asherville Achievers celebrate the holidays


BELOIT – The Asherville Achievers monthly meeting was held on Monday, Nov. 4, 2024, at the Zion Lutheran Church in Beloit at 6:30 p.m. President Kayley McGuire called the meeting to order. The Roll Call “What is your least favoriteThanksgiving dish?” was answered by 27 members. The club recognized eight new members that have joined this year.

Dorothy Wilson and Amanda McGuire gave leaders reports. A visual arts project will be done with the club at the December meeting. The December meeting will also be a Christmas “Italian Feast”. The club voted to donate to the Solomon Valley Community Foundation for the November Match Month. A 4-H Council report was shared from the October Council meeting. 

A demonstration was given by Kasey Green on how to make a “Cheesy Pocket Snack”.  Payton Bell gave a project talk on her bucket calf, and Kayley McGuire gave a Parliamentary Talk about “How to Make a Motion”.  Brady Green led the club in singing “Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer” 

The December meeting of the Asherville Achievers was held on Dec. 1, 2024, at the Zion Lutheran Church in Beloit at 6 p.m. All members brought food for the “Italian Feast” Christmas party, hosted by Daylynn Krone and Colton Pearson and their families. Club members brought 58 items to donate to Heart Choices. Club President, Kayley McGuire, called the meeting to order, and Secretary Aspen Thiessen took roll and read the minutes. The Roll Call, “What is your favorite Holiday?” was answered by 27 members.  20 parents and 2 leaders also attended.  

Leaders reports were given with reminders for upcoming activities:  4-H Quiz Bowl on January 11th (the club will have 2 teams), 4-H Day in Beloit on Feb. 8, and Beef Weigh-In Feb. 12 at Solomon Valley Vet. The club members will deliver Christmas goodies to area residents on Dec. 20. A reading of ”So God Made a Farmer” was done by Colton Pearson, a Demonstration of “Coffee Filter Snowflakes” was done by Aspen Thiessen, and Bowen Thiessen led the club in singing “Jingle Bells”.  The club then had a Visual Arts Project Meeting, led by Hayven McMillan and Kenton McGuire, to make Button Christmas Gift Tags.  

The next meeting will be held on Jan. 6, 2025, at 6:30 p.m.