The Asherville Achievers monthly meeting was held on Monday, Jan. 13, 2025, at the Zion Lutheran Church in Beloit at 6:30 p.m. President Kayley McGuire called the meeting to order. The Roll Call “Would you rather live in the country or city?” was answered by 27 members, with 14 parents present.
Club Secretary, Aspen Thiessen, read several Thank You communications from recipients of the Christmas Goodie Baskets that were delivered to them.
Amanda McGuire gave a leaders report, thanking the eight youth who competed in the 4-H Quiz Bowl on Jan. 11. She reminded club members of upcoming 4-H activities, including 4-H Day and Judging Extravaganza in Beloit on Feb. 8 at the Methodist Church and beef weigh-in at Solomon Valley Vet Hospital on Feb. 12 from 4-6 p.m. She also shared that this year’s Mitchell County Fair will be July 23-26.
A health talk was given by Rebekah Lueger on “How to Stay Healthy in Winter.” Paige Bell gave a project talk on her Sewing Project, and Kenton McGuire gave a demonstration on “How to Tag a Baby Goat,” bringing his newborn goat “Georgia” to the meeting to tag her. Paige and Lindsey Bell led the club in singing “Home on the Range”, in honor of Kansas Day, and Hayven McMillan taught the club how to play “Upset the Fruit Basket” for recreation.
The next meeting is on Feb. 3 and 6 p.m., when the members will gather to make Valentine’s for the Beloit Senior Center and Meals on Wheels.