Sunday, February 9, 2025

Commissioners approve agenda items


The Mitchell County Commissioners conducted their weekly meeting at the Courthouse Monday morning, Jan.  27. All Commissioners were present as well as the County Clerk.

Carol Torkelson from the Regional Planning Commission presented a bid for exhaust fans for Dunstan Trucking. These will be paid for with Community Block Grant CDBD funds

Mark Noah was present to discuss the county coroner for the 12th Judicial district. They need to hire a new one.

– Julie Willoughby from DVACK (Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas) said her association has proclaimed National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month and National Stalking Awareness Month both for January.

– David Dohe, Mitchell County Emergency Service, discussed the CWPP, (County Wildfire Protection Plan) He said that he will be the point person for the county.

– A Neighborhood Revitalization Grant for Jesse and Emily Benedick, in the amount of $82,490 for a barn rebuild was approved

Having addressed all the items on the printed agenda, the meeting was adjourned.