Sunday, February 9, 2025

County commissioners approve money transfers


The Mitchell County Commissioners conducted their weekly meeting at the courthouse on Tuesday, Jan. 21, because Monday was the Federal holiday observing Martin Luther King.

– The meeting started with money transfers. Alan Eilert, representing Rural Fire District #3, requested a transfer of $23,000 from their regular fund to their Special Equipment fund. The request was approved.

Transfers of this nature allow the governing bodies to build up a fund allowing them to purchase necessary equipment in the future.

Tom Deneke, representing Rural Fire District #1, requested a transfer of $6,500 from their regular fund to their Special Equipment fund. The request was approved.

Tyler Jensen, representing the Rescue Squad, requested a transfer of $15,000 from their regular fund to their Special Equipment Fund. The request was approved.

– Missy McGinnis, Director of the Mitchell County Emergency Medical Service, presented a request that has been anticipated for quite some time.

McGinnis requested an expenditure of $336,443 for a new 2028 Ford F-550 vehicle chassis equipped with a new ambulance shell containing all the up to date and necessary equipment. Claussen said the cab and chassis cost $70,000. Ambulances must be ordered this far in advance because of the long lead time between the order and the delivery. No money will change hands until the delivery of the new ambulance.

– Commission Chairperson Tom Claussen said, “This seems to be a lot of money, and it is. The commissioners have a long-held commitment to provide the best emergency care possible to the citizens of Mitchell County. Having modern and properly equipped ambulances is necessary to meet this goal.”

McGinnis made two requests for money transfers. One was a request of $40,000 from their regular fund to their Ambulance Capital Outlay fund. Her second request was a transfer of $40,000 from their regular fund to their Special Equipment fund.  Both requests were approved.

– Jesey Bliss, County IT Specialist, conducted a 15 minute executive session to provide an update on courthouse security.

Jeff Roberg has had a $1,500 per month retainer agreement with the county to provide IT services. By mutual agreement this retainer agreement was terminated.

– Brian Streit, courthouse maintenance supervisor, requested the expenditure of $5,954 for a surge suppressor that will protect all computers in the courthouse. The commissioners approved that purchase.

– Kegan Bailey from the North Central Kansas Planning Commission was present to discuss distribution of Community Development Block Grant distribution. She told the commissioners that Kettle, Dairy Queen, Trapper Joe’s, and Dunstan Trucking completed the lengthy but necessary forms, and money had been distributed to them.

Having addressed all the items on the printed agenda, the meeting was adjourned.

All three commissioners, Tom Claussen, Mike Reiman, and Cole Eberle, as well as County Clerk Heather Weston were in attendance.