Thursday, February 13, 2025

Money back to Beloit economy


Dear Editor,

I was a little surprised as I read the Beloit Call last week. In the letter to the editor, there was mention of the mural at the elementary. I am the painting contractor that completed that job. A little insight for you, that was not a touch up. It was a complete repaint. Weather is a HUGE problem for exterior paint, and it was way past time to save the mural. The bid on that project was an 'all in' bid. That meaning all labor for power wash, prime, caulk, paint, tape etc. was included. Interestingly enough, all the $$ went right back into the Beloit economy!! All supplies were purchased local.... including gas, food, property tax on my property....all the things!! Do I think those kids are worth it?? They are our future!! Why would we not give them the best education possible?? Will I vote for those kids?? You bet ya!!

Sincerely, Brenda S. LaFever, owner Qranny B LLC, Beloit